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Jay Wyant is the Chief Information Accessibility Officer for the State of Minnesota. The Office of Accessibility works with state agencies and its employees to help ensure that all digital state operations and services are accessible. The Office's website provides a wealth of information for state staff and everyone else, and the monthly newsletter highlights state initiatives, resources and other accessibility news.
Jay Wyant

Freely Available
Chief Accessibility Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Procurement Officer
Executive Management
Project Manager
Usability Testers
No primary industries specified
No primary regions specified
Federal/State/Local Government
Include in Speakers Bureau
Accessibility and Universal Design
Hearing Impairment and Deafness
Laws, Regulations, Standards and Policies
Usability and User Experience (UX) Design
Web Accessibility
On-site Instructor
Virtual Instructor
1-3 Hours
3-5 Hours
Full Day
Under an hour